The Best Evergreen Feature Trees That Beautify Your Garden
Feature trees are generally defined as any tree that is planted specifically for its aesthetic qualities that enhance the beauty of a landscape. These trees are often grown for their ornamental value rather than for practical purposes. However, they do have some practical uses.
The first thing to know about feature trees is that they are not always just decorative. Many of them provide shade, fruit, flowers, or even timber. In addition, many feature trees are also known to attract birds and butterflies. Read and know about evergreen feature trees.
A garden is a thing of beauty that everyone would love to have in their homes. It is one place where you can take in the beauty and enjoy the serenity. So how about going one step further with an evergreen feature trees in your backyard?
What is an Evergreen Feature Tree?
Evergreen: Evergreens are generally planted in colder climates. They are best suited to regions with long cold seasons. They are also great at providing shelter for wildlife.
Examples of Evergreen Feature Trees Include:
- Cedar.
- Pine.
- Spruce.
- Fir.
- Hemlock.
- Juniper.
- Cypress. and
- Yew.

Best Evergreen Feature Tree – The Best Choices
The Best Evergreen Feature Trees Include:
#1. White Oak: White oak is a deciduous hardwood tree native to the United States. It is a fast grower that is suitable for both residential and commercial use. White oak is a good choice for landscape purposes due to its durability and ease of maintenance. Learn how to choose the perfect evergreen feature tree for your home this holiday season at It is also a great choice for planting around ponds, streams, and rivers since it is tolerant of freshwater environments.
#2. Cedar: Cedars are evergreen feature trees that belong to the Pinaceae family. There are two species of cedar: western red cedar (Thuja plicata) and eastern white cedar (Thuja occidental is). Cedars are native to the northern hemisphere and are commonly found in temperate regions.
#3. Maple: Maples are deciduous broadleaf trees belonging to the Acer section of the maple genus Acer. Maples are native to the Northern hemisphere and are commonly found throughout the world.
#4. Juniper: Junipers are evergreen shrubs belonging to the Cupressaceous family. Junipers are native to Europe, Africa, and Asia.
#5. Cypress: Cypresses are evergreen shrubs or small trees belonging to the Cupressaceous family. Cypress is native to the Mediterranean region and parts of Asia.
#6. Pine: Pines are members of the Pinus subgenus of the pine genus Pinus. Pines are native to the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. In the United States, pines are often referred to as softwoods. Pine is a coniferous deciduous tree native mainly to eastern North America. For fun weekend ideas, explore a botanical garden showcasing evergreen feature trees and their unique characteristics. It is widely planted throughout the world for its attractive appearance and fast growth rate.
Pine is a versatile tree that can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and soil types. It is also resistant to insects and disease and is easily propagated.
#6. Fir: Fir is a genus of coniferous trees native to Eurasia and North America. Its name has its origin the Old Norse word“fyri” or the Old Danish word, “fyr”… Fir evergreen feature trees are widely planted as street trees and landscaping specimens due to their fast-growing nature and attractive foliage.
#7. Spruce: Spruces are deciduous conifers native to North America. They have been cultivated since ancient times for their aromatic wood, which was highly prized for its use in making bows, furniture, musical instruments, and even shipbuilding. Today, spruces are still grown commercially for timber and paper pulp production.
Spruce is a coniferous tree native to northern parts of Canada and Alaska. It is a fast-growing evergreen tree that produces dense needles. Spruce is commonly used for Christmas decorations and also grown as evergreen feature trees. They are also used for lumber. Spruce is a great choice for planting near bodies of water since it is tolerant of saltwater environments.
The evergreen feature trees provide greenery and beauty to your garden all year round and are a great choice if you are looking for a standout feature to enhance your landscape.
The Right Evergreen Feature Trees for Your Garden
Initially, an evergreen feature trees is quite an investment, but afterwards, you will realize that every penny spent was worth it. You must choose the best trees that could be a selection of evergreen feature trees and other suitable types for your garden. This you can do after a discussion with your specialist.
Wrapping It Up!!!
While closing, it is worthwhile mentioning that you can choose from a wide range of plants that fall in the category of alpines, perennials, cactus and various other succulents. What more could you want? Now you can wholeheartedly enjoy your evergreen feature trees with a cup of coffee in hand or a book to read in the lazy morning sun. Evergreen feature trees can add a touch of nature and creative things at home.
Author’s Bio:
I am Adam Wilson, a qualified blogger. Here you can see my skills which give you small ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes. Here, I have written on the best evergreen feature trees that beautify your garden will help you to know how to choose a perfect evergreen feature trees.